
Your 2022 Christmas gift makes a new dream come true!

In 2022 the Del Conca Group, together with you and all its stakeholders, created an outdoor Gym without Barriers, set up with seven pieces of equipment, in the park of La Casa di Marco, located in Coriano in the province of Rimini, Italy. This space allows its users, often with disabilities, to carry out physical activities outdoors, integrating the services offered by the rehabilitation center La Casa di Marco, a structure that welcomes, day and night boys and girls with severe disabilities, created by the Marco Simoncelli Foundation and managed by the Montetauro Community.

The Del Conca Group has decided to use the resources traditionally allotted for Christmas gifts to renew its support for the Montetauro Community which manages La Casa di Marco, to allow for the completion of the entire park which also includes the Gym without Barriers. This way the project expands with other recreational-sports areas and paved paths in the greenery, covering an area of 9,500 square meters.

The end of the construction work is already expected for January, allowing the guests of the house to take advantage of the entire park and perform activities outdoor as early as spring 2023.

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